People analytics

Are you aware of how exactly your people contribute to the bottom line? Are you in control of employee flight risks and your leadership pipeline? Answer these questions and many more with people analytics.

Digitalisation and the access to produced data are revolutionising the way we work and make decisions. The greatest challenge is how the enormous amount of data can be utilised to provide relevant insight for improved decision-making – and thus results.

By analysing HR data, organisations can get a holistic overview of the workforce, weed out the ‘noise’ from the relevant data and get a unique insight into what works and what doesn’t. As a result, organisations avoid guessing at the most important workforce/people decisions and will be able to better control HR risks and find the right people for the right tasks. This ensures higher efficiency and cost awareness.

Whether you are starting up a data-driven unit/approach to HR or need a specific analysis of a business challenge, together we can customise an approach based on your needs and data maturity.

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People analytics can contribute to your organisation in a variety of ways


We can help you with both descriptive and predictive analyses of employee data.

Our services include:

  • Retention analytics and attrition risk
  • Quality of hire analytics
  • Leadership potential assessments
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Learning analytics
  • Safety analytics
  • Payroll analytics
  • Healthcare analytics
  • Workforce planning
  • Total Reward Analytics (TRA)

Employee surveys

We create meaningful segments in the workforce to find what matters to specific groups and the depth of commitment to your mission. We emphasise clear communication, flexible survey delivery and cutting-edge technology to find out what employees are really thinking. Our results go beyond basic demographics; they identify real drivers of behaviour. And we use text analytics to go even deeper, so you can quickly make sense of thousands of comments to spot hidden areas for improvement.


Our global metrics and benchmarking database covers industry sectors worldwide with more than 300 metrics relating to workforce productivity, span of control, succession, recruiting costs and efficiency, quality of hire, labour costs, revenue, diversity, human resource department costs and organisational structures.

Clients access our benchmarks through an online data entry and reporting platform and have access at their fingertips to our robust metric and data element definitions and standards.

Developing analytics competency

PwC has developed an approach that organisations can take in their efforts to create a world-class people analytics capability, regardless of the maturity of their analytical efforts today. Technology is one dimension of this approach and should be used as an enabler. Our process-oriented, technology agnostic approach recognises five other critical enablers that are necessary to build a recognised analytics capability that can scale: people, processes, technology, data and governance.

Talent assessment

The way we utilise our talent assessment tools depends on your organisation's unique circumstances. We can help build you customised assessments with narrowly defined targets. Or, you can draw on our comprehensive assessment tool library with a range of instruments that measure skills and abilities; behavioural and personality profiles; culture, job and career fit; leadership; and performance against predefined indicators.

Furthermore, we can help you retain your top talents by analysing flight risks and provide you with a platform to spot attrition before it’s too late.

Kontakt os

Claus Høegh-Jensen

Partner, Tax, PwC Denmark

Tlf: 2366 3918

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